MonoSki GA!GA!GA!
Japanese MonoSki scene

Where can we MonoSki?

If you think that you can monoski anywhere in Japan, it's a big misunderstanding, ...well, a small misunderstanding. There are some areas where refused snowboarding, monoski is confused with snowboard, and refused too. So you may conclude that you can monoski where snowboarding is allowed. This is the easiest way of judging it. Finally I recommend to confirm on the telephone to the ski area as the most reliable way, I do so. But, even if you call a ski resort, they may ask you "What is monoski?"..., and a precise answer isn't returned. However, it is never so afraid. The snowboarding free ski resorts are increasing from their financial difficulties. So It's ok if you go to such a place.

Incidentally, monoskiing had been allowed at Nozawa-onsen and Oze-iwakura ski resorts in '97-'98 season, they had refused snowboarding at all. Naeba's all areas were ok for monoskiing. Kawaba's snowboarding banned area and Tsugaike's Umanose course were ok for monoskiing too.

Thus it is never so afraid of monoskiing place, because a regulation is looser than snowboarding and you can monoski in most places nowadays.

* I appreciate it if you would send to me the information related to monoski's regulation in Japan, that monoski has been allowed or not.
** Confirm regulations respectively to the ski area before you go to monoski. Because it may be changed even within the season.

To the people concerned with ski resorts

Please do not refuse monoskiing for the reasons that shape looks like snowboard, or you don't know well what monoski is. Furthermore, don't tell a lie of "Because a movement is different from skiing, it is dangerous" though you have never seen monoskiing! If you say the movement of monoskiing is dangerous, you must also refuse the skiers who doing practice with one ski for their progress and even the leg handicapped skiers. Because they are the same one board skiers too. Please try to think well again.

(C)2000-2001 Pei